Quote Originally Posted by dirttoplate.com View Post
My first major garden is truly coming along and I'm really fixated on the benefits of mulching. Lately, I have been using my grass clipping to mulch around the plants. I'm into my second application thus far, but I'm fearful as I cut my grass more often and continue to mulch, I will do more damage than its benefits. 20130531-003.jpg
There is such a thing as too much mulch, especially grass clippings.

Mulch can get matted and prevent water from penetrating the soil, it can also harbor pests.

Grass is particularly prone to getting matted. Also early spring grass clippings are good, but later ones can be full of seeds, and you don't want that. Also, grass, if thick, and freshly cut, and laid down, can get super heated and even start to smoke in the summer, the heat from such hot composting could damage your plants.