Hi. This year I decided to try raised beds for several reasons, poor soil, gophers, and weeds just to name a few. My husband made me some beds out of redwood two by fours. I ended up, however, with more plants than beds. Not wanting to spend a lot of money, I looked around the property (acreage seems to attract "stuff") to see what was available. Some how we seemed to accumulate quite a few tires over the years. I figured it couldn't hurt to try, so I stacked them three high and in went the tomatoes and cucumbers. So far they are doing great, and an added plus is recycling the old tires. I know not everybody has tires lying around, but if you visit a tire shop they are often more than happy to give you some they had to dispose of anyway! And if your so inclined, you can always find tires on the side of country roads. I know, I live on a back road, and it seems sometimes people think my street is a dump site. For pictures of my tire garden, visit my blog at www.fromtreestoweeds.com
