Quote Originally Posted by gardenoflove420 View Post
In my garden I have a number of anaheim peppers, this is my first time growing them. Once the peppers get large they dont turn red, instead they start looking more burnt. What is my problem and what can I do about it?!
They are best tasting when picked before they start to turn from green to red, they take a very long time, and perfect weather to get them red, they do, like Jalapeno peppers, turn a dark purple-ish black
We raise Tennesee Cheese peppers, a pimento type, just because they turn red quickly, also, we raise a rare variety called Cirolla De Cocina, they are pleated, fist sized, turn red very quickly and are the sweetest pepper we have ever tasted...another variety You would like is Red or Yellow Marconi, Very large-banna type, sweet as could be...hope this helps Gardenoflove420