Selkirk, it does sound like you have a big garden!

I finally made it out to till up the garden. I planted some lettuce and some peas. I still need to get the onions in the ground as it is getting a bit late to be starting. In a few weeks, I'll be adding tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, pumpkins, peppers, cucumbers and beans. I have a little strawberry patch and some herbs growing along the house. I wanted to get some fruit trees planted this year also.

I'm not brand new to gardening, but I'm certainly not a pro. Mostly, I pretend to know what I'm doing as a gardener. I get lazy when it gets very HOT and I let the weeds take over.

Last year, my tomatoes and peppers did very well. For some reason, my pumpkins and cucumbers didn't do well. I'm new at growing beans, peas and zucchini, so we will see how that goes.